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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  July 9, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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only eligible voerts vote. holder said it is unfair to hispanic voters. comes from research by a liberal agency which republicans say makes it highly questionable. holder fighting efforts to remove ineligible voters to voter's lists. >> george zimmerman is at a state house being protected by a security team. zimmerman was released friday after posting bail for the second time. since his initial arrest he received hundreds of death threats in the shooting of trayvon martin. his actions he says were in self defense. he's awaiting trial. >> hollywood mourns the loss of tv and film legend ernest borgnine. >> am i crazy? i have something good here. what am i hanging around with you guys for. >> he began acting after a 10 year career in the navy in 1955. he won an oscar for playing the love sick butcher in "marty."
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then switched and took on the most famous most recognized character quinton mckale in "mckale's navy." he>> you made 198 films? >> 199 i finished last month. >> you are going to get to 200? >> i am going to do well over 200. >> he died of kidney failure with his wife and children by his side. he was 95 years old. that is your 5@5:00. quite a loss there. it is time to take a look at who is talking. this morning it is the economy the big talker democrats and repub canalli-- republicans squ off for the third straight month. 80,000 jobs falling way shorter than 95 thousand expected
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>> both party leaders are weighing in. democratic congresswoman the chair of the dnc defended president obama's economic recovery efforts. >> if you look at where we were when the president first took office the economy was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month. now after president obama's policy is in place for the last 3 and a half years we have had 28 straight months of job growth in the private sector. the progress we are making is moving us forward. we need to continue to make more progress obviously. we haven't gone far enough. but we need to keep pressing forward and continue to focus on middle class tax breaks and making sure we can create jobs and make sure we get the economy moving forward. it would be great if republicans join in that effort. obama is making sure we are getting our jobs created with or without help from republicans.
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>> republicans ceased the opportunity to hit him on the jobs report saying it is another example why he needs to be replaced. >> the chairman of the rnc did not mince words. >> i don't know if she is on vacation in new hampshire or on mars. the fact of the matter is people are not better off today than 3 or 4 years ago. statistics bear it out. we can numb everybody's mind. but more than half a million more people unemployed today than four years ago. and if debbie and. obama were good on their promises on the stimulus, remember they said if we pass this trillion dollar stimulus that we would have 5.5 percent unemployment today. what that means is if they kept their promises there would be 8 and a half million more people
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employed today than there would be 12 years ago. they are living in fantasy land and put this dream to an end in november save america fire barack obama and hire mitt romney that is the best stimulus plan for this country right now, john. >> another show down is set up on the hill as the white house confirmed president obama will push to extend the bush tax cuts but only for some americans. >> good morning to you as well. president obama is preparing to make a move that may provide a measure of certainty for the public and private sectors. the president will call for extension of so-called bush tax cuts. the president requests over the extension will come in the form of a statement for tax cuts for families earning less than 250,000 dollars a year in an
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effort to spare the economy. impact of taxes going up january 1st. the unemployment rate is holding at 8.2 percent with 80,000 jobs added last month. the white house wants more jobs added. what to do is a source of debate among dem kratz and republicans. >> we should protect the tax cuts for the middle class and let tax cuts for millionaires slide. we ought to do something about this deficit and we ought to protect middle class tax cuts. the best way to do that is to let the upper end tax cuts expire let the wealthy in this country that are doing fine for years and years and years begin to pay their fair share. >> president obama is 100 percent okay with letting the tax cuts for the wealthy. tax cuts should be extended for all americans.
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>> we have the fiscal cliff coming at the end of the year. what we ought to be doing is extend the current tax rates for another year with a hard requirement to get through comprehensive tax reform one more time. i negotiate it with vice president biden the two-year extension of the current tax rates we are in right now. the president signed it arguing if we up taxes economy grows slower. >> bottom line with the presidential election four months away both sides are trying hard to win voters with tax policies. later this month house republicans plan a vote in extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for another year. analysts are warning impact of rising taxes and lowering federal spending could tip the economy back into recession. heather and patty ann. half of the country may be
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seeing relief from the deadly heat. the cooler weather can bring a whole other set of problems. haygood morning everyone. we have a cold front pushing southward and we will be bringing in temperatures that will be closer to where we should be at this time of the year. across the midwest and great lakes. we will be enjoying temperatures across the mid 80s near normal for this time of year. we will be bringing in risk for severe weather. also a lot of humidity you are looking at heat advisories in effect here. heat index values are still possible over 100 degrees. we are seeing heavy rain from the storm system early this morning outside of the dc area. grab the umbrella as you head out the door you are going to need it today.
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scattered storms well across kentucky, tennessee, parts of arkansas even into oklahoma and kansas large area of the country looking at scattered moisture here and there with downpours. we are bringing in a risk of severe weather. across virginia, north carolina and northern parts of south carolina flien. the main threat will be large hail and damaging wind gusts. we have been hit hard over the last several weeks with the storms across the regions. we don't want to talk about severe weather with the storms. temperatures closer than what we are seeing this time of year. it is july it is still warm upper 80s for chicago, minneapolis new york city you are looking at a high this afternoon of 86 degrees. mid to upper 80s in chicago, minneapolis and also new york city. thank you. the time now is 10 minutes after
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the hour. coming up supposed to be a 5 hour flight instead it took passengers 19 hours to get to their destination. wait until you hear why. more schools are splitting up boys and girls in the classrooms. are single sex classrooms productive or destructive? that is the brew on this question. >> as we head to break a quick look at the prices at the pump. national average 3.38. [ manager 1 ] out here in the winds, i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ chirp ]
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[ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk... i can keep track of them all. [ chirp ] [ chirp ] [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done." with access to the fastest push-to-talk and three times the coverage. now when you buy one kyocera duracore rugged phone, for $49.99, you'll get four free. visit a sprint store, or call 855-878-4biz. [ chirp ] visit a sprint store, or call 855-878-4biz. ( bell rings ) they remwish i saw mine of my granmore often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance?
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it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed. so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives
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about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here.
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s>> a possible twiter comes through. the roof of a dance studio went airborne and the building collapsed. t a couple's home was also destroyed. they made it out alive without serious injuries. they are increasing search efforts and offering $120,000 award. his wife reported him missing october 2nd. heather? >> a spirit airlines flight from los angeles to fort lauderdale makes an emergency landing because of an unruly passenger. but those on board say there's more to this story and they are furious. right, mary anne? >> that's right. they left lax at 10:00 p.m. scheduled to land at 6:00 a.m. in florida the next morning but instead they were taken on a nightmare trip. they made an emergency landing
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after a passenger was disruptive. that disruption was a 80-year-old man touched a lady next to him who then got upset. the man was taken into custody kicking and screaming and it gets worse from there. the plane had to leaand in texa where they were kept on the tarmac for several hours then told they would be bussed to dallas which is a 5 our drive to catch another flight. >> we went, no. no way. no way. took them 25 minutes afterwards to come back and tell us they were going to have a plane for us. >> after 43 years in this country the worst treatment i received. >> the airline decided to fly another plane. passengers arriving at 8:00 p.m. at their destinations. they were suppose he had to get there at 6 in the morning. spirit released a statement saying quote we understand this has been an inconvenience of the customers but the safety of the
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customers are first and foremost. they are being given full refunds for the inconvenience. >> they will be given nonstop service between houston and dallas. >> i like the lower third there you said unfriendly skies. that is for sure. >> 15 after the hour. it is time to brew on this. >> estimated 500 public schools across the country offer some all boy and all girl classrooms and now the aclu is stepping in watching a battle against single sex learning. >> it argues this separation promotes harmful stereotypes deprive kids of equal educational opportunities and conflict with the u.s. constitution and title 9. that is a federal law banning sex discrimination and education. supporters say not so fast. they believe single sex learning allows for tailored construction
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cuts down on gender distractions between boys and girls. do you think single text classrooms are destructive or productive? send comments to us. tweet them to@fox friends first or e-mail us a computer virus expected to force a quarter of a million people off-line today. what you need to know. that is up next. looks like a dessert -- desert. this one is out of this world. but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company
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by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness
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from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, whilen enbrel, you experice persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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>> swirms in ca -- swimmers in d can venture back into the water after a great white was spotted after a man in a kayak. everyone was screaming for him to look back he did and then he pateled like he had never paddled before. take a look at the amazing images are mars released by nasa. the spots were taken by a camera mounted on the mars rover opportunity. the impact of a crater that was created billions of years ago. pretty cool pat tee ann. >> absolutely. >> stories you can bank on this morning. if you can't get on-line this
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morning a computer virus could leave a quarter of a million people off-line. lauren simonetti joins us from fox business network. is this thing working up to be what everybody thought it might be? >> everybody was aware of the problem. they took the fixes and mostly it was contained. the fbi security test that is allowed computers to operate normally expired. most will be able to access the internet. there is no guarantee the hack attacks won't happen again. now things are turning negative. >> it will hit them in the second quarter earning season. they expect earnings to decline by 1 percent. that brakes the streak of 10
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quarters a game. proctor & gamble mcdonalds starbucks and tiffanies and that's only to name a few patty ann. the phone company not so happy about that. >> the wireless industry is balking with political donations fwieks messaging. sprint verizon and at&t and t mobile are asking for more guidance like how are they going to tell if the donating american is under aged a foreign citizen or corporation. they don't want to be seen doing business with one candidate over another. that is another issue. lauren simonetti fox business network, thank you so much. good question. time now 24 after the top of the hour. coming up next a lifeguard fired
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for save ago swimmer's life. all because the person drowning was outside of the designated swim area. the lifeguard now getting the last word. a single shot could be the key to staying skinny while eating anything you want? really? first on this day in history the first me female army officer was appointed.
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>> welcome back to fox and friends first i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather cheryleds. thank you for joining us. it is 29 after the top of the hour. >> the top five stories making news at this hour. violent weekend in the taliban. it left 6 americans dead. they were killed when the tank they were righting in drove over a bomb in kabul. 7 attacks left 18 civilians and
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five afghan policemen dead. >> she should have been celebrating her 25th birthday but instead her family is planning her funeral. after she was shot to death when she hugged a cop and his gun went off. she went to hug an off duty detroit police officer from behind causing the gun in his holster to go off. her family wants answers. >> there is no reason for it. why would you have it at a social event? why would you be carrying a gun? now instead of giving her a birthday party i have to plan her funeral. miller would have turned 25 today. the officer has not been identified. he has been placed on administrative leave. >> mitt romney is in the final stages of the vp pick. a staff is put together for the vp candidate. when t with the republican nomination
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days away it will be interesting. the soda ban has new yorkers in a fizz zee. law americas and protestors are getting ready for the million big gulp march near city hall. they are demonstrating against comblier bloomberg's crack down on drinks larger than 16 ounces. they will hold the hearing later this month. we told you about the florida lifeguard fired for leaving his post to rescue a drowning swimmer. he is being honored by the city of hole endale beach. lopez will meet the man he saved and will get a key to the city. he broke policy by leaving his dedicated zone when he saw a man in distress. he was offered his job back but declined it. he will be talking with us at fox and friends at 7:50 eastern. that is your 5 at 5:30. we will tune in for that for
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sure. >> june's dispinting jobs numbers took center stage on the sunday talk shows. party leaders debating which candidate is the best one to fix the nation's economy. >> doug luzader is live with more for us. >> good morning. those disappointing jobs numbers for friday are still going to be front and center on the campaign trail at least for mitt romney. with aneenic job creation in the neighborhood of 80,000 jobs created last month and unemployment rate stuck at 8 percent the president will argue the president failed to deliver his promises to rebuild the economy. he is acting as if he's not the president. the american people are going to hold accountable the president of the united states for the current state and condition of this country. i don't think a whole lot of people were cheering when the fireworks were going off we were excited about this country but we were also not excited about what has happened for the last four years. i don't think people are begging for another four years of this
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misery. democrats meantime tried to go to another topic using web ads to question mitt romney's overseas investment. as far as the economy is concerned they are taking credit for at least some progress. i think like president obama everyone acknowledges we have a long way to go. we have made significant progress 28 straight months of job growth in the private sector and more than 4.4 million jobs created. what we don't need to do and i think folks at home are sitting and listening to mitt romney saying we should go back to the failed policies of the past. let's repeat the same play book that got us into this economic mess in the first place. >> the obama campaign has a largely negative ad campaign. they found obama just recently made up their minds there.
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thank you. before you leave the house this morning let's get your first degree weather update with maria molina. half of the country could be getting relief from the heat but that's not necessarily all good news. >> we have a cold front getting relief from the hot temperatures along and ahead of that system will be seeing showers and thunderstorms firing up. some will be bringing in needed moisture through the areas. some will get damaging wind gusts and large hail. a large area will be seasonable or below average this time of year. ahead of it we have a couple more days of hot temperatures off to the south especially off the carolinas. again a rye leaf from the eastern part of the country also across the midwest. some of them can be severe.
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i want to focus on the southwest. they will be heating up. 100 the high temperature in las vegas 113 in phoenix and tucson. while we are enjoying a bit of relief they are going to be seeing dangerous levels of excessive heat warnings in place out there as well. 86 high in new york city as well. finally feel a little bit more like the month of july. rally, nore rali raleigh north e areas not seeing that relief yet. it will take a few days to slowly push southward along the system seeing showers and storms across the dc area, baltimore. as we head west ward showers and
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storms from west virginia two parts of the central plains like kansas, oklahoma and texas panhandle getting drenched right now. there is good news for you early this morning as we grab the umbrellas as we head out the door. virginia, north carolina northern parts of south carolina damaging wind gus will be the main concern here. it will be an isolated threat. not expecting major outbreaks. >> thank you very much maria. appreciate it. > >> angelina jolie rocking her $500,000 re -- engagement ring. the first time she showed is it
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since announced it in april. amazing spider-man comes out swinging at the box office. took in $65 million this weekend making it the number one film in america. in second place was ted with 32.6 million. following in third was brave with $20.2 million. see a close-up of angelina's ring. now for your starting lineup along with the sports stories making headlines at this hour roger federer making history at wimbledon. (cheers) federer winning a record tieing 7th wimbledon title beating andy murray. cheering him on in the front row were cape and pippa middleton. fox sports learning exclusively the tigers justin verlander will
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be the pitcher in the all star game. we don't know yet who will start for the national league. brian kilmeade will be live at the all star game fox and friends starting tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. i am so jealous. they were running for cover at the rangers twins game in arlington. >> both sprinting off the field after a lightening strike. the game was delayed after the storm. the rangers won 4-3 in 13 innings. >> the time now 38 minutes after the hour. coming up a mayor under fire. he has slashed worker's salaries to just the minimum wage. he said it's to save the city. is it okay or is it over the line. >> a high wire act gone wrong. a major miss step sends this guy plummeting to the ground. >> last chance to answer the
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question of the day. are single sex classrooms destructive or productive. we will see it on the e-mails next.
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>> 42 after the hour. making humid lines overseas first to russia storms are blamed for 171 deaths. torrential rains dumping up to a foot of water. next egypt, new president mohammed more see defying military generals ordering
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parliament back to work. parliament which includes muslim brotherhood was disbanded last month after a court ruling. finally in pap leona, spain three more people reportedly gored during the running of the bulls. 8 people were hurt over the weekend. we have been telling you about extreme weather all across the country including frederick burg virginia where a possible coronado ripped the roof off the gym where a group of cheerleaders were practicing. >> good morning, heather. it is a good morning for people here inside this dance studio. there were no serious injuries out of this. this is incredible. the entire two walls cinder block walls of this dance studio are gone. that was several hundred feet
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away on top of a home. there is a trarl damaged a bus damaged. the storm that blew through here yesterday there was a 30 degree temperature drop in an hour then the winds and lightening came, 249 lightening strikes per minute. wind gusts 35 miles an hour again before 6:00 p.m. and the lights went out. 25 people were huddled in fear inside the cheer fusion dance studio on bleming road. it toppled the cinder block. the roof landed on the home of that elderly couple. that home has been knocked about 2 feet off of its foundation. people jumped into action to help each other out of the building. no life threatening injuries some broken bones cuts and certainly terrifying memories here. the national weather service is on the way to assess the damage here. could be a tornado could be a micro burst. a straight line of damage from 200 feet in front of me.
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>> so lucky no serious injuries. they are saying possibly more severe storms today be careful out there. earlier we told you 500 public schools across the country are offering all boy and all girl classrooms. now the aclu is launching its own battle against single sex learning. >> aclu arguing the separation defies kids of equal opportunities. opponents say it cuts down on gender driven distractions. >> we want to know if you think single sex classrooms are productive or descriptive? alex said i think teaching children separately is very effective. they learn differently and much better when separated. hear from funny stuff 978 he sweet tweeted us saying single class classrooms can teach kids sexist
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things. >> ron from new york e-mailed us oh boy i would have paid much more attention in class if there were no girls to flirt with. >> trouble. >> thank you to everyone who responded. thank you for keeping the comments coming. >> they claim to be good for you. could the so-called healthy foods be hurting you? doctor from the medical a team is here. >> some of the favorites could be on the list. >> could a single shot make it so you don't have to watch your weight? it's too good to be true. let's check in with steve doocy to see what's coming up on "fox & friends"." >> coming up on "fox & friends" starting in 15 minutes they had a display of the 10 commandments and the aclu sued and said you have to take that down. the judge said what if you only make it 6 commandments we have a decision in the case.
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general motors reported it's best month of selling cars in december of 2008. guess who is buying the cars? the federal government. you know the florida lifeguard who got fired because he saved the life of somebody outside the rope? he joins us live. >> it was one year ago today the five kicked off right here on the fox news channel. we have all of the stars of the five coming up on "fox & friends" which kicks off 13 minutes from right now. dana pair reno is in the house.
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>> the mayor in scranton, pennsylvania reducing pay to the state's minimum wage. that's 7.25 cents. he says the city has run out of money and he has no other choice because of a $16.8 million budget gap. could one shot be all you do to stay skinny? scientists say the invented an obesity vaccine to allow you to eat fatty foods and lose weight at the same time. it makes antibodies against a mo hormone that slows down your metabolism. research is at an early stage. >> very early on that. it is now 51 after the top of the hour. speaking of staying slim dieters beware there are wealthy foods out there that are really not healthy for you. with all of the bad news for us the medical a team doctor david simati is here to break it down for us.
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>> it is not so bad. a lot of people eating the cereal right now. >> there is a lot of hydro (inaudible) in cereal. the bad thing about all of this is there is too much sugar. obesity is on the rise. 17 percent of teens are getting obese. look at the ingredients make sure it is all natural and the way they market it. if there is a lot of additives you want to stay away. look at the portion you take for breakfast. portion control is big here. >> kashi go lean is kashi go fat. >> sports drinks. >> if you work out a lot and sweat a lot you lose a lot of the salt and minerals. gatorade is a good way to supplement that. >> if you work out. >> if you work out. salt causes high blood pressure and the sugar is stored as fat.
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you have to be careful with this. my advice especially with the heat index out there drink a lot of water. that is the best way. >> energy bars. >> if you look at some of the ingredients you are getting 350 calories to 400 calories with this. also a lot of fat that comes with it. a lot of times you may take this healthy granola bars that sounds great but you are getting tons and tons of calories from this. the best way is to change it to carrots vegetables fruits those kinds of things>> a lot of people use this as a meal replacement. is that okay? >> not a good thing. you are getting too much sugar again. one of the things you have to be careful, heather. i am glad you brought this up. anything that ends with osd, fructose, glutose. high fructose corn syrup that is
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sugar. remember that. >> moving on to green tea. we hear about this being good for you. >> this is my favorite one. i was disappointed it made this list. green tea is great for anti-oxidants and health. the problem is when it is commercialized like this. you are not getting a lot of green tea in it. you are also getting the sugar. the best way to get your own tea bag to make your own tea that's the best thing. >> drink it every morning with a little stevia. egg replacement. >> what bothers you about the egg. it's the cholesterol that adds up. if you eat an egg every day it's okay to use it it's a good substitute. the problem is it has a lot of vegetable oil and can increase your cholesterol. studies from university of connecticut shows regular eggs helps you with the hdl. once a week it's okay to have regular eggs doesn't kill you. if you take a lot of it then you
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may want to use this. in general it's better to stay with -- >> yogurt when you are baking a cake not making an omelette. >> not necessarily, no. you would get proteins and calcium from yogurt instead of getting it from egg. thank you. appreciate it. bright and early this morning. >> 6 minutes to the top of the hour. still ahead a high wire act goes horribly wrong. a big miss step. wait until you see how it ends. we will tell you. . word of the day all scrambled up. you know what it is? i already got it. figured it out. every communications provider is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company. ♪
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we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. and we will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters.
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>> about 2 minutes until the top of the hour as we take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly. up first, the good.
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this baby golden eagle somehow manages to survive during the devastating wildfires in utah. a wildlife expert had gone to the nest near saratoga springs to retrieve the bird's tracking band and found the bird badly burned but alive under the charred tree. volunteers say he is improving and they hope that he will return to the wild next year. we need to come up with a good name. up next, the bad. triple digit temperatures in washington, d.c. taking a toll on the tarmac in this photo shot by a passenger and posted on line shows the u.s. airways plane stuck in a soft spot. the plane had to be towed out of its rut causing a three-hour delay. and the ugly. a blindfolded chinese tightrope walker slips off the high wire and plunges into a gorge. the wire was 650 feet above the water. luckily, when this happened, he was toward the end of it when he fell so it wasn't as steep. just about 130 foot drop. amazingly, he walked away from the incident.
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132 feet! that's still a drop. >> just 132 feet. >> it's time to get scrambled up and we have brian kilmeade here to help us out. heather and i both got it from the glimpse before. we'll give you a second to figure it out. >> if i have a lot of small talk in between, i'll get enough letters. >> we gave you a very good hint. >> if you were listening to heather. >> is it the guy that actually fell off, it's the tightrope? we never actually see him hit the ground, though, right? >> and walk away. he did walk away. >> that's good enough. >> good-bye. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> you could say doing this show every day is like being on a tightrope. >> absolutely. without the blindfold hopefully so you can see prompter. >> if you have prompter which we do. good morning, everyone! hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend. it's now monday, july 9th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. the white house ready to change their stance on taxes after
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admitting they failed? >> we're not growing fast enough and we're not adding enough jobs! >> but the bad news, it's a tax hike for some. all the details straight ahead. >> oh, that darn class warfare and want to fast track economic recovery? there's 17 states where that's happening and they have one thing in common. we'll tell you what it is coming up. >> can a judge cut the 10 commandments down to six to appease everybody at the school? the school is ruling in. >> holy, moses. >> yeah, he actually had them. "fox & friends" starts now. >> welcome, everyone. steve is back from vacation. steve, one thing you missed out on last week is brian told the entire world that moses was loaded. >> moses had -- au >> dou


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